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 The ILUPEJU EKITI DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ELECTION is going on right now at the Civic Hall along palace drive. Ilupeju Ekiti.

Different sectors are chosen as the delegates to vote in the election

Total 81 number of delegates are chosen across the town.

The election process is about to start as we anticipate the results and who will emerge as the winner 

The Election process has started with opening Prayer and welcoming address from the outgoing president 

2:24'     The House have been dissolved following suggestions from members of the IDA. 

2:31'.     The Chairman Electoral Process Mr Francis Ibimuluyi, addressed the issue of shifting in Election date, he said "the reschedule of the election date was because of the change on Nigeria Election.

He also address the issue of the delegation, across the world. He said concerning those who are not in the town either outside the country or those in the country. That there is means of collecting their vote which will be totally transparent 

2:40'.     Hon. Sunday Adunmo, Also on the issue of delegates. He asked about the Delegates from his street that the people from Ila are not aware of the people who are chosen. And have been addressed by the man in charge by giving out the name person who validate the delegates.

2:45'.     The Aita district head Chief, Chief Eleruku, also raise concern on delegates from Egebe Eseta. And the outgoing president immediately addressed the issue that constitutionally there is no Egbe Eseta. That we only have Egbe Ilupeju in the constitution.

2:48'.     The election process has started. The delegates are been called out in order for the election 

3:10'.     The delegates have started voting for their candidate 

Vote Result



The electoral Chairman then declare Mr Banji Ogungbe as the IDA NATIONAL PRESIDENT 

LIVE: The People in the town are dancing around the town to celebrate the winners.

Video below

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  1. Congratulations sir more wisdom and understanding to leads us in ilupeju ekiti I am happy for you sir keep doing goods God will be with you in Jesus name.


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